Outdoor learning & volunteer work in La Fortuna:
Learning the history of the ecolodge we stayed at from the founder (left top),
a Deep Ecology field activity (left bottom),
and making wild bee traps to establish colonies for honey production (below).
Learning the history of the ecolodge we stayed at from the founder (left top),
a Deep Ecology field activity (left bottom),
and making wild bee traps to establish colonies for honey production (below).
The course included field visits to a premontane forest, cloud forest, and lowland rain forest (left & below).
Some of the wildlife we encountered along the way...
Learning about indicators of water quality in rivers and streams (right) before applying that knowledge in a stream (with a gorgeous waterfall) near San Ramon (below).
A reforestation activity with a community water administrator in Palmares
(left & below).
(left & below).