Hikes in the Rain Forest: The group enjoying various hikes through the rainforest at Alberto Brenes Biological Reserve near
San Ramón.

Aquatic Insect Activity: Studying the relationship between aquatic insects and water quality. Collection in the river (left), and species identification in the lab (right).
Volunteer Work: Service-learning during the trip consisted of assisting in roping off a parcel of forest 100x100 meters, divided into 10 meter segments. The parcel is to be used for various research projects in the future (e.g., tree growth over time and species diversity). Here Ian and Annette are helping Victor measure the distance between marker poles.

Rainforest Fauna: Some of the fauna we encountered in the reserve: A strange gathering of three lizards identified during a night exploration activity (above), and a hummingbird at the field station (right).
Biological Field Station: The group having an impromptu discussion at the field station.