In this picture Hannia Berrocal , the
As a certified sustainable business, Catarata strives to reduce their carbon footprint by growing their own fruits and vegetables for the restaurant. Throughout the year, pineapple, lettuce, tomatoes, cilantro and other seasonal produce is cultivated and harvested. The Eco-lodge also owns a parabolic solar cooker, which is a reflective dish that concentrates sunlight until the food in the center is cooked. These solar cookers are known to be quite dangerous as the sun’s energy can be concentrated to an extreme point that cannot be immediately seen and surrounding flammable objects can catch on fire. Parabolic solar cookers are usually compared to the box cooker which is basically an insulated box with a reflecting glass or plastic lid allowing sunlight to enter through the top and slowly heating up the box. The one major drawback to the box solar cooker is that energy enters only through the top while escaping through the other sides, pulling heat away from the food. Catarata uses the parabolic solar cooker for educational purposes, demonstrating its functions to students from local elementary and secondary schools. Additionally, the Association received funds 3 years ago to secure a truck for a local women’s recycling project. Catarata has large receptacles stored in the dining area to collect plastic bottles and other containers for the women’s group.
The picture to the bottom left is of a Paca Agouti, a solitary nocturnal animal which can be found in Latin America from Mexico to Paraguay and considered to be the second- largest rodent species behind the Capybara . They have coarse brown to black fur on the upper body and white on the underbelly. They live in the rainforests near water and feed on plants and seeds of the forest understory. Paca Agoutis are claimed to be one of the most important herbivores in the rainforest and play an important role in forest dynamics as seed predators and dispersers. They are considered as agricultural pests and therefore killed by farmers. As a result, they are endangered throughout Costa Rica. In an effort to boost their population, the Eco-lodge started a Paca Agouti breeding program to reintroduce the mammals back to the natural environment. Currently, there are four at Catarata with two of them brought from Guanacaste.
Shown to the right is Catarata’s rating by the Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST). As of September of 2010, the Ecolodge holds a #2 out of #5 rating. CST is a program of the Costa Rican Tourism Board (ICT) and based on the degree to which they comply with a sustainable model of natural, cultural and social resource management. CST is regulated by the Costa Rican National Accreditation Commission and consists of 5 “levels” of sustainable tourism achievement. Certification is renewed every year and the evaluation process is very demanding. Four fundamental aspects are evaluated: (1) physical-biological parameters, (2) infrastructure and services (exclusive for lodging companies), (3) external client and (4) socio-economic environment. For each and every one of these items a list of specific questions is designed to help evaluate how thoroughly the firm complies with a series of standard s previously established. Each and every one of the questions refers to an element of sustainability with which the firm should comply in order to qualify in any one of the different stages or levels of fulfillment. It has implications for both the tourism operator and the tourist. For the tourism operator, it adds a new level of competitiveness distinguishing its product from others. It also encourages companies to use their resources more efficiently and promotes savings, which always has positive impacts on a business. For the tourist, it helps identify which businesses are pursuing sustainable initiatives. Catarata is continually upgrading their Eco-lodge and raising their sustainability standards by finding new ways to reduce their environmental impact such as installing more energy panels, growing more of their own food and supporting community projects like the women's recycling program. Their commitment to professional growth, preserving the environment and community development is what makes the lodge truly eco-friendly and a reflection of sustainable development.
Author: Joan Ngo