03 April, 2014

Ecotourism in the Mariposa Study Center (TSP Case Study)

 The Mariposa Study Center is a great spot for Ecotourism. It is located in Nicaragua in the town of La Concepcion. The study center provides many goods and services for tourists that want to stay there. Some of the things they offer are: housing, food provided, volunteer work at various locations, facilities, and Spanish classes. Providing housing for all the travelers that come to Mariposa, the workers need to make sure they have enough room for all of them. There are several cabins located on site that contain many beds in each cabin. Each cabin holds up to about ten people or more. Inside the cabins, the beds are bunked providing more room to fit people. They are very beautiful inside and out which attracts more tourists because of the homey atmosphere. The travelers that come to see the Mariposa Study Center cant help but appreciate the hard work and time the workers put in in order to build the cabins. The more people that come to visit, the more money they generate which allows more stuff to be built on site providing more things for tourists to enjoy. The cabin life of Mariposa is a great experience and well worth the stay for travelers.

With a great touristy spot, comes great food. Mariposa Study Center offers food three times a day; breakfast lunch and dinner all at set times. The cooks are very friendly and inviting. They don’t speak English but it is still fun to try and converse with them. The staff consists of women who work there and prepare the meals daily. The kitchen in which they work is very small but provides them with what they need. The kitchen was built years ago in order to get the attention of tourists. Since there is food provided, travelers that come realize this and make them want to come again. The more people that come the more money the place makes giving the cooks an opportunity to make money. It is a great system between the study center and the cooks because they both receive what they want. The cooks are hard workers and deserve the money that tourists bring in. Although the kitchen is small, they still make all types of food to fit the needs of the tourists. The amounts of tourists that come play a huge role in this. The more money that is brought in, the more the cooks can get paid, and the more they can expand the kitchen.

 Another great thing about the Mariposa Study Center is that they offer Spanish classes everyday. These classes are for tourists that stay in the cabins. The classes can start from intermediate Spanish to advanced Spanish depending on the Spanish level of the traveler. This gives tourists a great chance to learn Spanish while staying at Mariposa. Having Spanish classes offered right there gives more motivation to travelers to want to stay there. Providing Spanish, more visitors will want to stay there because it gives them a chance to improve their Spanish. The classes are all one on ones directly with the teacher, no one else. One on one class is a great and easier way to pick up the language. The teacher can put their attention on that one student. The classes are held outside either on the chairs next to the hammocks or right behind it where there are tables and chairs to sit on. The classes are held everyday for a certain amount of time each day. The one on one experience allows the student and teacher to get through learning easily. This is a great service given to tourists by Mariposa. This is just one more tourist attraction that helps bring in money for Mariposa by tourists.

Not only does Mariposa provide sinks, showers, and filtered water, they provide hot water. There are two valves on the outside of the shower near the sinks that people need to turn on to get the hot water going. Mariposa contains two tanks on top of the bathroom roof. They have solar water heating there which is a great renewable energy technology. These kinds of systems are designed to deliver hot water for most of the year there. During the winter in Mariposa, the solar heater might not provide sufficient hot water. The way the system works is that the storage tanks are horizontally mounted above the solar collectors on the roof. No pumping is required because the hot water naturally rises into the tank. The heat form the sun generates enough power to heat the water providing hot water for the showers. This is a great and sufficient way to give off hot water. Many travelers that come to Mariposa want hot water for their showers. The solar water heater generously gives it to them. This system brings more tourists in because they offer cold or hot water in their showers. Tourists also love the idea of how it is using renewable energy instead of harming the environment.   

 Along with housing and food, Mariposa also offers volunteer work. There are several sites close by that tourists can volunteer at. This gives the people an opportunity to help out others in need. It is a great experience and could be life changing for some. The experience a person can get out of volunteering and helping out others could make a lasting impression on the person they are helping out. Some volunteer work that Mariposa offers are helping out at a school, whether that consists of reading to the children, playing with them, or just helping the teachers watch them, and volunteering at a farm. From my experience as a volunteer, helping out with kids is something one will not forget. The kids are so happy to see you and talk to you its amazing. A person can leave a long lasting impression on these kids and they will always remember them. The kids will not want you to leave and will talk nonstop. It is sad to have to say goodbye to them because you will probably not see them again, but knowing you helped these kids out is worth it. With all the volunteer work that is offered, Mariposa is able to attract more tourists from all around the world, generating more income for the community.

The scenery of Mariposa is breathtaking. It is very beautiful there. The way Mariposa Study Center sits on top of a cliff overlooking parts of Nicaragua is beautiful. You can see miles in front of you in different directions. The view is spectacular. It gives tourists an opportunity to see parts of Nicaragua they might not get a chance to see while being there. The sites draw tourists to come and stay there because it is great to see, especially at night when the lights are on. People get a chance to see Nicaragua from a higher vantage point than most places. There are hammocks that are outside that people can sit on to look at the view. The sunset is very beautiful as well. People have a chance to sit on chairs or lay in hammocks in order to watch the sunset. It is a site to see that’s for sure. The beauty of the view allows Mariposa to attract more tourists yearly. With all the services and commodities Mariposa offers, it is no wonder why they attract so many customers. Mariposa is a great touristy spot in a great location. The view, the food, and the housing are some of the main reasons why Mariposa is able to generate more income yearly. Thanks to tourists, they are able to expand Mariposa more and more.

                                                                                                                                       Author: Jordan Kalebaugh