05 May, 2008

Palmares: Building Repair

Restoring the Bathroom
Near the butterfly garden at Madre Verde Reserve, situated midway down the hill, are the bathrooms where vandalism has occurred. The public restroom that serves the Mariposario (butterfly garden) and the larvae hatching center were in horrible shape when we arrived at Madre Verde. The doors were falling off and, as seen in the photo, the roof siding had been bashed in and broken. Madre Verde is frequented by community members who visit to hike or have a picnic. In addition, with the improvements at the Mariposario, more visitors will be enjoying this area of the land. As part of our volunteer service, we cleaned and painted the public restroom. This was a major contribution because when visitors arrive to Madre Verde and make their way to the conservation and restoration areas, they must first pass the Mariposario and this restroom building. With a fresh coat of paint and new roof siding, visitors have a much more welcoming view as they climb the hill toward the rest of the land.

Author: Michelle Krieg