04 May, 2007

San Ramón: MUSADE Community Social Work

Ensueño: Café, Arte, y Amistad
Shown here is a view of the MUSADE store, Ensueño, from the street. All of the products in the store have been hand made by women in the community. Anyone can come to MUSADE with something they have made, and MUSADE will sell it for them, giving them seventy percent of the sales. The store offers a variety of items, such as jewelry, clothing, paintings, souvenirs, and coffee makers. It also serves as the front office. Marí, shown at the desk, among other women, do the financial books for the store, make appointments for social work and psychology,
as well as answer any questions about the organization.

Saturday Group Activity
In this picture, a group of teenage girls from the community are participating in the Saturday craft activity. Here, the girls are making frog key chains out of beads. Every week, the activity changes. Other activities may include theatre, singing, and games. These activities are offered to women, children, and adolescents in the community. Many times they work well coinciding with the support groups that the women attend. While the women are in their group, the children are occupied. However, you may often find a mix of small children, teenagers, mothers, and grandmothers all sitting in the same room, struggling over how to make a beaded frog.

Author: Claire Wingerd