07 January, 2006

Guatuso: Maleku Indigenous Reserve

 Indigenous Cultural Theatre Group
During our visit to the Indigenous community of the Maleku, we witnessed an indegenous
cultural theatre representation of human environmental impact on the natural world.

Learning Artisanry Practices of the Maleku 
During our visit to the Maleku Community, we were offered a chance to learn artisanry
practices first-hand by each making a hand-carved and/or painted gourd. 

Visit to a Green Iguana Conservation Project 
 We visited the Green Iguana Conservation project of the Maleku community. This project raises and releases Iguanas to the surrounding region in an attempt to counter the rapidly decreasing populations of this important cultural and biological heritage.

Learning About Indigenous Plant Uses 
 We learned about Indigenous plant uses by the Maleku community. In addition to sampling cacau, square bananas, sugar cane, and yucca (among others), we also had a lunch that included traditionally-prepared food and drink.