Wall of Fame

Our beloved alumni: EEI Sustainable Global Stewards!
Summer 2024: International Environmental Issues and Globalization
On an overlook at an ecotourism reserve near San Ramón.
Back row (left to right): Maddie, Miguel, Myranda, Zack, Jack, Camille & Rosemary
Front row: Bobby, Rafael, Rachel, Jayden & Myles

Summer 2023: Systems Change for Health & Sustainability
Visiting a family-scale regenerative organic farm
in Costa Rica's
Northern Zone where we did volunteer service-learning work.
 In the back (left to right) are Iris, Nancy, Giselle, Leyna, Betty,
Rachel, Aidan, Ashleigh, Logan, Raúl, John & Dakota 
Front row: Eli, Olivia, Juan & Miguel

Summer 2023: International Environmental Issues and Globalization
At La Fortuna Butterfly Garden where we did volunteer service learning work.
In the back (left to right) are Tal, Robyn, Azariah, Niya, Maya, Samantha,
Rebeca, Colby, Erik, Coltrane & Rosemary
Front row: Claire, Caden, Jack, Miguel, Kylie & Dylan 

Summer 2022: International Environmental Issues and Globalization
At a private cloud forest reserve in the Western Central Valley.
In the back (left to right) are August, Tyler, Sara, Kiah,
Katie W., Ashley, Seth, Sam, Taylor & Nicole   
Front row: Rose, Katie S., Megan, Alison, Natasha, Kellie
& Esmeralda; with
Miguel in front

Summer 2019: International Environmental Issues and Globalization
At a private Ecotourist Reserve near San Ramón.
Back row (left to right) are Scarlett, Sara, and Shannon.
Middle & front rows are Miles, Cassandra, Joe, and Emily;
Miguel, Lilly. Sara, and Christina

 Summer 2018: International Environmental Issues and Globalization
At a water treatment facility in Palmares.
Back row (left to right) are Shana, Katelyn, Ryin, Lindsey, Matt, Brooke & Mateo.
Middle row (after our guests Alvaro, Carolina, and Sylenia) are
Ara, Mario, Kim, Avery, and Amina
In the front row: Alison, Brittany, Santana, and Miguel

Summer 2017: International Environmental Issues and Globalization
At an organic medicinal plant farm in Grecia.
Back row (left to right) are Cat, Morgan, Stephanie, Cristina. Ryan, Sandra, Tyler & Carter
In the front are Miguel, Katelyn, Alison, Natasha, Becca, and Lily

Summer 2016: International Environmental Issues and Globalization

On the steps of the church in Grecia.
Top row (left to right) are Sarah, Alison, Evan, and David; in the second row are Lilly, Lauren, Harlo,
Ciera, Zoe, Sheena, and Miguel; and in the front row are Marisa, Tessa, Jenna, and Aiden

Summer 2015: International Environmental Issues and Globalization
At the Alberto Brenes Biological Reserve near San Ramón. 
In the back row from left to right are: Eva, Rogelio, Chelsea, Kathryn, Megan, Max, and Alison 
In the front are: Zachary, Jessica, Cody, Miguel, Debra, Mathew, and Adrian

Spring 2014: Sustainable Global Stewardship Program
University of Redlands group at La Fortuna.  From left to right are:
Miguel, Luis, Blake, Jordan, Sierra, Matt, Fern, and Heather

March 2013: Rainforest Conservation and Sustainability (NCSU Alternate Spring Break)
In the back row (left to right) are: Katie, Kelly,Yon-Soo, Caitlin, Coleen,
Amanda, Thomas, Annette, Hannah, and Ian 
Middle and front rows: Vicki, Ericka, Liz, Meredith, Samantha, and Miguel

June 2012: Semester at Sea Maymester Agro-Ecological Farm Field Trip
From left to right are: Miguel, Lena, Megan, Johnathon, José and Anqi 

May/June 2011: Foundations of Sustainability Course
Inaugural Semester at Sea Central America Maymester Voyage

From front, around the circle to the left are: Kristen, Stacey, Kendra, Miguel, Trevor,
Tetsuro, Amanda, Yangzi, Kristie, Maddie, and Jessie

Spring 2011: Sustainable Global Stewardship Program
A beautifully small group, where quality more than made up for quantity!  From left to right are:
Erica, Jeanne, Joan, Amanda, Tait, and Miguel (in the back)

 Winter 2010: Ecosystems, Conservation and Community
In our park ranger gear for when we assisted with sea turtle conservation:
From left to right are Jason, Rosa Ana, Paige, Miguel, Anthony, Chris, and Rahil

Summer 2009: Tropical Biology and Conservation
At an organic, bird-friendly, coffee farm in the San Ramon area.
Back row (left to right) are Lisa, Alex, Heidi, Jon, Claire, Sabrina & Gary
In the middle/front row are Sarah, Mary, Lynne, Jen, Miguel and Alicia

 Winter 2009: Ecosystems, Conservation and Community
The 'Green Force' ready to do volunteer work cleaning around trees in the reforestation project.
In the back row (left to right) are Ryan, Jason, and Pete; in the middle row are: Christina, Ana, Stephanie,
Ashley, Fátima, Hillary, Van, Brittany, Veronia and Nick; and in the front are Christopher and Miguel

Spring 2008 Semester: Sustainable Global Stewardship
In La Fortuna, with the Arenal Volcano in the background.  From left to right: Emily, Jake,
Tanya & Miguel (back), Emily, Michelle (back), Zeke, Rosalinda (back), Cooper, and Lisa

 Winter 2008: Ecology, Conservation and Community
At the environmental education center at Madre Verde community conservation project in Palmares. 
Back row (left to right) are Katie, Amber, Brian, Yurco, Joe, Adriana, Chrissy & Mike
Middle row: Maria, Meredith, Kirby, Jenny, Allison, Maggie & Steven
In front are Joelle & Miguel, with Erik not shown

Summer 2007: International Development
Visiting 'Democracy Plaza'. Note the extensive graffiti on the wall
against TLC (the Tratado de Libre Commercio, or Central American Free-Trade Agreement).
It has since been painted over, a fitting analogy for the political and social situation as well!
From left to right are Miguel (standing), Anne, Kate, Anell (back), Alána, Jimmy, Ella (back), Alicia, Monique, Johanna (back), Jason, Shalise (standing) and Monica

 Spring 2007 Semester: Sustainable Global Stewardship
Visiting Miravalles Volcano and associated thermal pools and mud holes.  In the back row (left to right) are Sami, Danielle, Claire, Kelly (back), Nicole, Devon and Miguel.  In the front are Chris and Anne.

 Winter 2007: Ecology, Conservation and Community
Visiting Arenal National Park in the Northern Zone.  In the back (left to right) are Jeff and Jenny;
and in the middle row are Laura, Ashley, Annie, Kristen, Miguel, Ron & Aaron (front).
In the front row are: Tracy, Renee, Darlene, Anne and Khaled. 

 Summer 2006: International Development
In front of the hotel in Ciudad Colon, ready to depart for another day of action!
Back row (left to right) are: David (driver), Carmen, Rachel, Adam & Miguel
Front row: Alejandra, Verla, Valerie and Gia.

 Winter 2006: Ecology, Conservation and Community
Clouded in at Poas Volcano (back row, left to right) are: Jessica, Christine, Ramón, Carlos (professor), Meghan, Suzette, Michelle, Ed & Dallas; and (front row) Miguel, Melanie, Nicole, Lisa and Linda.

 Summer 2005: International Development
Visiting a small rural community in the Central Pacific region.  Back row (left to right) are: Thomas,
Marco, Amber, Jusarra, and two local community members.  In the front are Ali, Sarah and Brack.

Spring 2004 Semester: Environmental Field Studies
At Alberto Brenes Biological Field Station in the Tilaran Mountains near San Ramon.
Back row (left to right): Mark, Shelly, Julio (back, professor), Jessica & Dan
Middle rows (top down): Roseanne, Jodi, Tiffany, Lindsey, Rebecca, Zach (x2).
Front row: Marco, Crystal, Miguel, Kelly, Megan and Tina. 

Spring 2002 Semester: Environmental Field Studies
At the University of Costa Rica in San Ramon (back row, left to right) are Miguel, Timothy, Candyce, Alissa, Nick, Andy and Angela.  In the front: Nong, Alyson, Alysia, Jennifer and Marit (far right).

  Spring 2000 Semester: Spanish and Latin American Studies
Visiting Granada, Nicaragua (left to right) are Alissa, Joe, Randi, Katy, Nate, Holly, Jason, Gwen, Pilar,
Angela, Kathryn and Jennifer.  In front are Jessica and Miguel.

 Spring 1996 Semester: Spanish and Latin American Studies
Taking an optional rafting trip on the Paquare river, Caribbean slope of Costa Rica.
Back row: Megan, Rachel, Lee, Thomas, Kristen, Tami, Miguel, Kelly (back), Melinda, Dan,
Andrea, Keiko and James.  In front are Kari and Kimie.