14 June, 2016

Summer 2016: International Environmental Issues & Globalization

Hiking in Alberto Brenes Biological Reserve,
and some wildlife encountered.

Learning about solar energy at our hotel in San Ramón.

Marisa, Jenna, Tessa and Zoe proudly showing off aloe vera
gel they helped make at a woman's natural health care product
facility we visited.

Stream sampling and bioassesment activities.

 Course participants together with a local bilingual school group discussing restoration and conservation (above),
and where we planted trees to offset carbon emissions and support local conservation efforts (below).

A renewable energy discussion and field site visit to a hydroelectric plant.

Visiting an exhibition on democracía a la Tica
(democracy Costa Rican style).

Learning about marine aquaculture at the
National University Marine Field Station in Puntarenas.

Volunteer work planting a herb garden (above), and river rock collection for
improving the road into the biological reserve (below).