11 June, 2015

Summer 2015: International Environmental Issues & Globalization

The group being welcomed to San Ramón by the Mayor's office

Stream sampling and bioassesment activities.

A visit to a local business to learn about their solar energy initiatives.  Since connecting their photovoltaic system to the grid they have produced more energy from the sun than they have consumed, in addition to their solar hot water system operating with no additional energy input!

Adrian and Max in awe of the tropical rain forest!

Some of our field activities: Lunch at a woman's health care product cottage industry
and hiking in a family-owned private reserve.

 Reforesting in a biological corridor to support watershed conservation efforts and
offset carbon emissions associated with the course.


Hiking, birding, and frogging in the Alberto Brenes Biological Reserve

Planting seedlings: Volunteering at a rural medicinal plant garden.

 Shared learning in Conservation and Restoration with a group of local students studying
English at the National Institute of Learning (INA).