17 June, 2006

Quepos: Manuel Antonio National Park

 Manuel Antonio National Park
One of the prettiest beaches in Costa Rica.  It is also one of the most visited national parks.

Learning about Park Management
Receiving a presentation from a representative of the National Park
Ministry (MINAE) at Manuel Antonio.

16 June, 2006

Orotina: Turu Bari

 Orchid Garden Visit
Valerie, Adam, and Verla (left to right) during a visit to an orchid garden.

Iguana Farm
Carmen, Miguel, Gia, and Verla at an iguana farm in the 
Central Pacific region.

A traditional trapiche: Animal-powered sugar cane production facility.

15 June, 2006

Palmares: Madre Verde Reserve

 'Day of the Tree' Activity
Primary school students planting seedlings during a 'Day of the Tree' ceremony the group 
assisted with. Local schools planted trees as part of a reforestation project, 
and each participant became a godparent to a school's tree.

Visiting a Butterfly Garden
Gia and Valerie in the butterfly enclosure of the women's butterfly cooperative.

Butterfly Garden
Valerie and Miguel at a butterfly garden. This is the section where
butterfly pupae grow into caterpillars.

Carmen with a Blue Morpho Caterpillar
Carmen holding a Blue Morpho butterfly caterpillar during a visit to the
women's cooperative buttery farm. 

San Ramón: Finca Patriana Organic Coffee Farm

Organic Coffee Plantation
Learning about organic/bird-friendly coffee production at a coffee farm in San Ramon. 

Sampling Organic Coffee
The group tasting organic coffee after learning about production and touring the farm. 
From left to right are Valerie, Gia, Adam, Verla and Brack.

14 June, 2006

Grecia: Women's Agroindustrial Association

Group at Medicinal Garden
Study group during a visit to a medicinal garden in Grecia where natural
health care products are produced by a women's cooperative.

Natural Health Care Products Association Visit
Visiting a cottage industry production facility where natural health care products
are produced from medicinal plants on-site.

Heredia: Recycled Paper Production

Learning How to Make Ecopaper
A visit to an ecopaper facility in Heredia where artisanry paper is
manufactured from banana, coffee, pineapple, and grasses.

Academic Guidance from Dr. Brown
Dr. Brown providing academic guidance to Alejandra,
Rachel, Valerie and Verla (left to right).

12 June, 2006

San José: Environmental Sustainability & City Visit

 Sustainable Development Presentation
A series of presentations on sustainable development in Costa Rica by Jaime Echeverria of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Dr. Miguel Karian of Earth Education International.

A Natural 'Pharmacy' in the Central Market
During our visit to the Central Market in San Jose we stopped at a 'natural pharmacy.'
Here every conceivable herb is available for any ailment!

'Hale Ale'
Alejandra on the balcony of her room at the first field site location: 
El Maranon Lodge on the outskirts of San Jose.

  Peace Monument Visit
Visiting the peace monument and park at the University for Peace.
From left to right are Miguel, Rachel, Carmen, Verla and Gia.